zen.org Communal Weblog

November 17, 2004

Best Place In The World

Filed under: — elana @ 22:37 GMT

Well, we knew it years ago, but apparently, Ireland is the best place to live in the world.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Just not in the pub.

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The Accidental Cook — Show #1

Filed under: — brendan @ 17:48 GMT

We did our first podcast of The Accidental Cook. It’s our own approach at a cooking show where we talk about what we made recently, complete with some production notes offering recipes and links to what we were talking about.

It’s a 9Mb mp3 file for about 18 minutes. We’re looking at fixing the sound levels (too quiet), adding some music, and using a better microphone.

No matter how few or how many people choose to listen, it’s a lot of fun to make.

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Big problem

Filed under: — elana @ 09:55 GMT

Here’s the big problem, as I see it, regarding Podcasts and OPML and all that…

there isn’t a SIMPLE page explaining it all in NORMAL human terms. I’ve been searching for what exactly OPML is, and how to do it, for about a half hour, and my eyes are crossing from all the tech terms. I think I got it now, but jeez….

Guys, if you want your software to get to the masses, YOU HAVE TO START MAKING IT ACCESSIBLE TO THE MASSES!!!!! We, the end lusers, have to understand simply what we’re doing. The fact that we still can’t get iPodderX to recognize our Podcast is just…dumb.

The funny thing is, I mentioned this almost 4 years ago at CFP in regards to encryption. Yeah, notice where the end user is with encryption right now….

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