zen.org Communal Weblog

September 14, 2005

House Update

Filed under: — Sven @ 13:50 IST

Since Riley got his corn rows progress has started with our house. After today it should be water tight, and by the end of the week it should get shingles. Then we can get electricity turned on again. I have never felt such a need to vacuum as I feel when I go in my house at the moment. I’ve even thought about bumming power off the neighbor.

Knock, knock, knock. Fred opens the door, “Sven, how can I help you?”

“Fred, I need to borrow some power,” says Sven holding up a Pyrex measuring cup.

Rubbing his chin, “I think I have some in the cupbord, come on in.” We walk in to the garage and Fred opens up the cupboard. “Hmm,” he hums fingering through the jars and bottles “coal, wind, solar, hydro. Nope, sorry, I have some raw ingredients but I haven’t made any of them into power yet.”

“That’s ok Fred, thanks for looking.” I should be getting power back next week.

“So,” continues Fred, “when are you going to return that planetesimal movement I lent you last year?”

“I have to go, see you later Fred.” Sven slips out the front door.

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